Feb 25, 2013 - Musings    1 Comment

The 10 Principles of Optimal Living

by Brian Johnson

     From what I can see, the essence of Optimal Living comes down to these 10 Principles:

1. Optimism. If we can’t tame that crazy, drunk monkey in our mind and shape the contents of our consciousness, nothing else matters. Period.

2. Purpose. What inspires you? What’s your dharma? Your purpose? Your highest calling? Living an authentically awesome life requires creating an empowering vision and keeping your eye on your Highest Goal without losing yourself on a manic Holy Grail chase.

3. Self-Awareness. From the Oracle of Delphi and the Buddha to modern science, it’s clear: We’ve gotta know ourselves. How well do you know thyself ?

4. Goals. Whether it’s meditating first thing tomorrow morning or starting your business (or family or painting or…), we’ve gotta have goals that inspire us.

5. Action. All that’s nice, but we’ve gotta follow Guru Nike’s advice and *Just Do It!* Are you just doing it or just talking about it?

6. Energy. We’re gonna have a hard time reaching our potential if we have a hard time getting out of bed or getting out of debt. Are you honoring the simple fundamentals of nutrition/exercise/rejuvenation/ money?

7. Wisdom. Wisdom is all about approaching life as our classroom and looking at every moment as another opportunity to live our ideals.

8. Courage. The word comes from the Latin word for “heart.” It’s the virtue that pumps blood to all the other virtues. Without it, none of this other stuff matters. How’s your courage pumping?

9. Love. Love, love, love. How’re your relationships? Are you studying love like you’d study a sport or a musical instrument or a language you want to master?

10. en*theos. God/Spirit/The Universe. Whatever you call the Force that beats our hearts and keeps the planets in line, it’s the center and circumference of everything. Connecting to it is a good idea. You plugged in?

This little book is organized around these principles. If you’re feelin’ it, check out http://www.OptimalLiving101.com for a 10-week class where I go into detail on all of ’em!

P.S. Check out the mini-video for this chapter here!

1 Comment

  • Thank you for reminding me of these principles for living a meaningful life.

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