May 20, 2013 - Musings    No Comments

How Am I That?

by Brian Johnson

Speaking of shadows, another really powerful way to deal with that dis-integrated murky stuff we project onto others is this little game I often play:

Think of someone who recently annoyed you. Identify what it is about them that *really* bugs you.

Are they greedy? Hyper-ambitious? Impatient? Do they cut people off in mid-sentence and never really listen? Do they act like they know it all?

What is it about ’em that gets you all wound up? Got it? Sweet. Now, ask yourself: “How am I that?!?” 🙂

And make that a practice. What you’ll notice, if you’re like me, is that we tend to be most annoyed by people who are demonstrating qualities that we are still working on.

Debbie Ford says it’s kinda like having electrical sockets on our chest. If we’ve recognized and accepted our own greed/selfishness/impatience/whatever, it’s as if we’ve put one of those child-proof covers over the socket and no one can “plug into” that energy—we may notice a certain quality in people but we’re no longer triggered by them.

BUT, run into someone who demonstrates qualities we *haven’t* integrated in our lives and yikes! They “plug into” that open socket and we get all pissy.

Again, the solution is (relatively) simple: Notice when you’re being super critical of other people and know that you’re just observing something within YOU that you need to address. Then celebrate the opportunity to grow as you count how many fingers are pointing back at you, attend your own lectures, and ask: “How am I that?!

May 1, 2013 - Musings    No Comments

Become A Life Artist In 7 Steps – Law Of Attraction Meditation

by FinerMinds Team

Have you ever done a Law of Attraction Meditation? It’s kinda like having a double shot of manifestation espresso – only different, of course. Here’s one that’s easy, fun, and lets you be the artist and director of your life – painting your dreams and then jumping right into the scene. Give it a try and see how quickly what you want to attract comes rushing your way.

1. Go on a Rampage

Okay, first things first: to manifest something you want (as opposed to something you don’t want), you’ve gotta feel good. And the quickest, easiest way to do that is to go on a ‘Rampage of Appreciation’. So your first step requires pen and paper, and about 5 minutes (or more) of your time. Just start writing down anything and everything you appreciate. Even itsy-bitsy things like clean fingernails or a pair of shoes that fit. I’m not kidding here folks. The more little stuff you can find to say ‘wow!’ about, the easier it is to get on a roll looking for the bright side of mediocre and even annoying stuff.

2. Settle In

Once you start to feel your mood lift to a place of joy and positive expectation, get yourself comfy and ready to meditate. This can be in your fav chair, sitting like a yogi on the floor, or anywhere that you feel good and your spine is relatively straight. (Try to avoid your bed though. It tends to have the distracting capacity to put you to sleep).

3. Choose your Target

Okay, now start focusing in on exactly what it is you want to attract to you. Maybe its an experience, a resource, an opportunity or a thing. Warning: when it comes to other peeps though, you’ve got to honor free will. So if you want love, imagining the ideal mate, rather than a specific person, is key.

4. Paint the Picture

Now it’s time to become an artist. Create the image in your mind of some aspect of what you’re attracting to you. If it’s a new car, of course, you’ll get specific on the image and details. If it’s a home, you’ll literally ‘paint’ each room.

5. Put yourself in the Picture

Next, insert yourself into the scene. This means you start experiencing with your 5 senses. What do you feel, see, smell, taste and hear once you’re ‘in’ the picture? Get specific, break it down into detail.

6. Action!

Time to live the experience! Take the still-frame ‘shots’ of what you want to manifest and turn it into a movie. If it’s a car you’ve been drawing, start driving it. If it’s love, walk down the beach, hand-in-hand. If it’s a house, cook a dinner or entertain friends. Whatever it is, make it LIVE.

7. Send it with a Kiss

When you feel complete with this ‘movie’, imagine it folding in on itself like a beautiful heart (or whatever shape makes you smile). Then let it shrink down so it fits into the palm of your hand. Hold it there in your hand for a moment and then gently blow it off your hands and into the Universe, knowing that what you’ve sent forth will begin coming back to you.


May 1, 2013 - Musings    No Comments

Free Social Media Training for Business

Sawasdee-khrup from Bangkok,

We all know about Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. They’re everywhere.

But what specific strategies are really working to help you grow your business?

To answer this question, I invited David Riklan, the founder of, to provide 1 hour of free training on the tactics and strategies that are working in 2013 for Social Media.

To enroll, go to

In the training, David teaches:

1) The top 7 mistakes people are making using Social Media.

2) How YOU can position yourself as an expert in any niche fast without spending a dime.

3) The top 4 ways people are generating leads through Social Networking.

4) The top 12 industries that are effectively using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube.

5) Why Social Media is changing marketing forever.

6) How to use Social Media to generate massive income.


To enroll, go to

We are looking forward to helping you grow your business using Social Media.

Thx & Brgds

Jim Yarbrough

P.S. Sign up today at LISB2014

Apr 18, 2013 - Musings    No Comments

No More Ice Cubes, Please

by Brian Johnson

If you had a boiling pot of water and you wanted to easily and permanently make the water stop boiling, would you:

A) Drop in two ice cubes at regular intervals; or,

B) Turn the flame off/move the pot off the heat?

Unless you’re insane, you’d pick option B, eh? Seems so simple… Yet, somehow, in a world where 15 million+ peeps have purchased Stephen Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, we’ve failed to implement Habit #1 to “Be Proactive.”

Instead, we throw our hands up in the air at all the symptoms we experience (from acid reflux to depression) and, rather than go after the causes of these ailments, we reach for another couple ice cubes to temporarily reduce the heat while doing *nothing* to deal with the flame at the root of the underlying problem.


How ’bout you. Do you ever do that? What ice cube tray are you relying on and what can you do to deal with the cause of the issue?!

P.S. Check out the mini-video for this chapter here!

Apr 9, 2013 - Musings    No Comments

Holocaust Remembrance Day

By Marilyn Jenett – Reprinted with permission 

Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day
. I’m going to roam off the usual path…

Born a Jew, I removed myself from the practice, culture and tradition early in life in order to follow my chosen spiritual path instead of a religious one. I have no affiliation to religion, but have always believed that the common denominator in all religions should be the love for the Creator and love for all mankind (and that includes ourselves), and religion should serve as a path to a personal connection to the Source.

Stories of the Holocaust always bring tears. Not because I’m Jewish. Because I’m human. And that’s why I want to tell you this story. My thoughts drift to a woman I met several years ago. Her story had a profound impact on me at that time and always “shocks” me into perspective whenever I think of her…

Maybe you’re going through a difficult time, experiencing financial limitation or otherwise challenged in some area of life. Perhaps this story will give you a little shock, too…you know, the kind that lifts us out of our “pity party,” renews our faith in our ability to overcome those challenges…and may even change our life forever….

I hope it will remind you of a very important aspect of prosperity consciousness…the ability to realize how fortunate you really are…

In 2003, I was contracted to book the first of many locations for my client, Campbell Soup, for their multi-million dollar “Souper Star” promotions for children. The first location that I found and secured for them was a beautiful white Malibu estate.

The owner of the mansion was a woman named Punty Bogart. Punty was 80 years old. She was petite, energetic and very feisty. Her home was pristine and beautifully elegant in European style. She wasn’t the easiest person to deal with, but she did take a liking to me and she could be very charming.

One day I had to visit her to have her sign some contracts. I noticed that she was limping, which I hadn’t seen her do before. I asked her if she had fallen. In her European accent, she replied, “No darling, it’s from the concentration camp.”

Punty sat me down and told me a story that left me stunned.

When Punty was just 20 years old, she and her family were sent to a concentration camp. Well, that wasn’t so unusual. I had met and read about survivors of the Holocaust. But what she told me next was probably one of the most unusual accounts I could ever imagine. Punty was taken to the gas chamber with hundreds of other women. I sat motionless and tears welled up as she relived her experience. She said that the women were crying and screaming, “God, why have you done this to me?”

Punty was pulled from the gas chamber by guards because they needed someone to clean the toilets. It saved her life.

You may meet people who have survived the camps. But you never meet anyone who survived the gas chamber.

None of her family survived. She later met her husband and they came to America, went into business and created their wealth.

Her sporadic pain that caused the limp was a reminder of her past. She had many health ailments, which I understand is not uncommon to survivors of that period.

In my life, I have sometimes thought about what happened during the Holocaust. It’s incomprehensible to me how something of that magnitude could have happened. It would stir very deep feelings in me and I don’t believe it is because I was born a Jew. It’s because I was born human. And I cannot fathom how that kind of inhumanity could take root and grow — at the hands of a madman, no less.

I may never be able to fathom it. But I will always be grateful that I was born in this time and in this country. It may not be perfect, but it’s a great deal closer to heaven than so many other places…and if you are reading this story, then chances are pretty good you’re not too far from heaven either.

And that’s a lot to be grateful for.

I thank Punty for giving me such a great frame of gratitude reference. Gratitude is after all one of the greatest, if not the greatest of the prosperity laws.

I first posted this story about Punty online a few years ago. Her granddaughter, Johanna Engel, contacted me. Punty and her husband had moved to the east coast and she had died in an auto accident shortly after. Johanna told me her dad was searching Punty’s name online, found my post about her and printed it out. She wrote, in part:

I’m not sure if you can still receive this message because I see you posted this a long time ago, but I want you to know that Punty was my grandma. I’m so glad to see that she left her legacy with everyone she encountered. I loved her very much and there are more to those holocaust stories that make her even more wonderful. I just really wanted to thank you for sharing, not even knowing we somehow could see it.
Maya Angelou said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Isn’t that the truth.

Now, about your challenges…

 — Marilyn
© Copyright 2010 Marilyn Jenett, Feel Free to Prosper
All rights reserved

Marilyn Jenett, an accomplished business owner in the corporate arena, founded the Feel Free to Prosper program to mentor and teach others to become aligned with Universal laws and accept their right to prosper. For more information, visit

Marilyn’s upcoming books are Feel Free to Prosper: An Entrepreneurial Memoir of Synchronicity and Guidance and Feel Free to Prosper: Two Weeks to Unexpected Income With the Simplest Prosperity Laws Available, based on her teachings.


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