Oct 30, 2020 - Musings    No Comments

Fast Pants

Before a fighter pilot climbs into his aircraft he dons his Fast Pants. These pants (anti-G suit) fitted with air bladders automatically inflate when high G-forces are experienced. The inflated bladders prevent blood from pooling in the lower body and depriving the brain of oxygen-rich blood to help prevent loss of sight and consciousness.

I suggest that Responsible Leaders intentionally don virtual fast pants when they enter a crisis to help them see clearly, avoid tunnel vision, and remain conscious of what’s needed, and what’s not.

What’s important, and what’s not?

The first leg of my virtual fast pants requires me to answer the following questions:

  • −  Who should I collaborate with?
  • −  What are the 2 to 3 most important issues to resolve in this situation?
  • −  What are the most appropriate, timely, and available resources that apply to resolutions? Pulling on the second leg I ask:
  1. What are the action priorities?
  2. What should I do Now?


My memory aid to remind me of these processes:

– Collaborate C – Issues I – Resources R – Priority P – Action A

Collaboratively work Issues with Resources Prioritized for Action

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