Razor Burn
Below is a personal experience that I frequently ‘re-visit’ to remind me W.I.N. (What’s Important Now!). I work to continually remind myself that ‘not acting on what I claim to know is really not knowing’.

I was a college freshman sitting in a barber’s chair with an unsightly and irritating case of facial razor burn. The barber asked, “Why do you shave so close?” I replied, “I want a very smooth face.”
The wise barber counseled, “Don’t you realize that no matter how closely you shave today, tomorrow you are going to have to do it again?”
That day was my last case of razor burn. The larger lesson was not wasted either. The greatest lesson arrived when I contemplated the corollary of his advice, “What are some issues that need to be done well because you may not return to them timely, or ever?”
I made a listing:
- First meetings
- Table manners
- Term papers / Exams
- Timely ‘Thank You’s’
- Timely sincere acknowledgements
Since then I have added to my list:
- Monthly business reports
- Public statements, especially issued during times of crisis
- Press interviews
- Crisis decisions
- Leadership meetings
- Any decision affecting the well-being of another
- Farewells
- Termination interviews

What would you add?
Many from my list are related to engagement with others. This is a useful alert. Being alert is to be Conscious, Present, and Attentive while engaging with others are key skills of effective Responsible Leadership.