No More Ice Cubes, Please
by Brian Johnson
If you had a boiling pot of water and you wanted to easily and permanently make the water stop boiling, would you:
A) Drop in two ice cubes at regular intervals; or,
B) Turn the flame off/move the pot off the heat?
Unless you’re insane, you’d pick option B, eh? Seems so simple… Yet, somehow, in a world where 15 million+ peeps have purchased Stephen Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, we’ve failed to implement Habit #1 to “Be Proactive.”
Instead, we throw our hands up in the air at all the symptoms we experience (from acid reflux to depression) and, rather than go after the causes of these ailments, we reach for another couple ice cubes to temporarily reduce the heat while doing *nothing* to deal with the flame at the root of the underlying problem.
How ’bout you. Do you ever do that? What ice cube tray are you relying on and what can you do to deal with the cause of the issue?!
P.S. Check out the mini-video for this chapter here!