Apr 7, 2016 -
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“I Can!”
President Franklin Roosevelt once stated, “To reach a port, we must sail…sail, not tie at anchor, sail, not drift.”
Inertia is often the result of those who fear making a bad decision. Unlocking inertia is about letting go of fear and taking the necessary ‘next step’. We can’t get moving in the waters of challenge unless we’re ready to put our sails to work. It’s impossible to overcome inertia when the headwinds in our mind saying: “I can’t, I’m afraid, I’ll fail.”
Solving seemingly insurmountable problems begin with an exchange: I release “I can’t”, I embrace “I can”. Then, we move with whatever winds are in our sails. Where do you win this battle? Maxwell Maltz said it succinctly…it is won in the playhouse of your mind.