“The only way to experience the richness of life is to live in an Attitude of Gratitude: to appreciate what you have and what you can give.”
– Anthony Robbins
It is said, “What gets measured gets managed.” For greater personal development, we must create a personal measure and management tool for our intangibles of:
- Gratitude
- Joy
- Peace of Mind
- Physical Health
- Spiritual Peace
- Sense of Contribution
These measures will be highly subjective and very personal. The effort you put into creating your personal benchmark which allows you to calibrate your current state of mind for these intangibles will be greatly rewarded.
Becoming aware of where your mind is ‘staging’ allows you to take control and move up your scale through “acting as if”.
No one can create this Joy, Peace of Mind, or Fulfillment for us. Remember, our first job is to create the mindset and thereby the conditions that allow these to occur. The mindset of Gratitude is a great start.
The author and philosopher, James Allen, advises us to, “Cherish your visions. Cherish your ideals. Cherish the music that stirs in your heart, the beauty that forms in your mind, the loveliness that drapes your purest thoughts, for out of them will grow all delightful conditions, all heavenly environment; of these, if you but remain true to them, your world will at last be built.”
Many philosophers have advised that a ‘thankful mind’ is the one that is the most observant and receptive to external support. Being thankful broadens our focus and illuminates new opportunities. The mental state of Gratitude allows us to transmit any condition into a higher state.
A ‘Growth’ Task:
Write a letter to a country, a people, race or religion that in the past you have judged negatively. In this letter, express all your feelings about it.
Remember that your feelings are based on how you have internalized what you have heard, read, or experienced. They may not be reflections of your ‘Best Self’. Write everything that comes up. What thoughts and attitudes, if any, serve you? Which do not?
As individuals, we are not alike. We have different lifestyles, beliefs and perceptions. It is my belief that these differences exist only in the physical plane. At the molecular and spiritual level, we are all one, and are connected with the universal primary source.
When we begin to fully understand this concept of life in Unity, the idea of a personal “I” gives way to the image of a Universal “I”.
The concept of rivalry and competition disappears. Celebrate your Unity with all life knowing we are all one. This is the relationship that allows deep love and empathy for everyone who surrounds us.
“The hurt of any man/woman is the hurt of every man/woman and the benefit of any man/woman is the benefit of all men/woman.” – Robert Grant.