Free Social Media Training for Business
Sawasdee-khrup from Bangkok,
We all know about Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. They’re everywhere.
But what specific strategies are really working to help you grow your business?
To answer this question, I invited David Riklan, the founder of SelfGrowth.com, to provide 1 hour of free training on the tactics and strategies that are working in 2013 for Social Media.
To enroll, go to
In the training, David teaches:
1) The top 7 mistakes people are making using Social Media.
2) How YOU can position yourself as an expert in any niche fast without spending a dime.
3) The top 4 ways people are generating leads through Social Networking.
4) The top 12 industries that are effectively using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube.
5) Why Social Media is changing marketing forever.
6) How to use Social Media to generate massive income.
To enroll, go to
We are looking forward to helping you grow your business using Social Media.
Thx & Brgds
Jim Yarbrough
P.S. Sign up today at
http://www.selfgrowthmarketing.com/socialmediapower.cfm?affID= LISB2014