COURAGE (Tailwind)

Courage is an essential ingredient in Success and personal development. The absence of courage results in many missed opportunities and too many painful ones. Although courage can be learned, it is not learned from another. It is something you discover from within yourself. Discovering for oneself what is needed or wanted is the first and most important step. It is more important than working to avoid the feeling of possible failure.
Courage refrains from taking foolish risks with safety or resources. Courage is not jumping without looking. A pilot’s adage is,
“There are old pilots and there are bold pilots but there are no old bold pilots.”
Real boldness and courage require careful analysis of the situation, reviewing your options, and selecting those that serve you best. Goethe preached,
“Boldness has Genius, Power, and Magic in it.”

Courage often requires corralling one’s inner demons and initially pretending that you are courageous. Like any skill, courage gets better with practice. Your courage muscles get pumped up by exercising them.
Courage is an attitude. Select your attitudes and relationships that serve you best. Pick those that you hang with carefully. It has be said that,
“If you always live with those that are lame, you yourself will learn to limp. Conversely, if you are soaring with the eagles you probably won’t learn to quack.”
Your Tailwind
“Fear has its use but cowardice has none.” – Mohandas Gandhi

“Courage and Success are not fostered from “Winning” – they are nurtured through the willful acts of “showing-up” and playing with passion.” – Dad

“Importantly, in every game, including the “Game of Life”, you’ve got to let your mistakes GO. You’ve got to keep your head up and try, try again… and again…and again.” – Dad