Character is the Key
The score was tied. Our International School of Bangkok (ISB) varsity High School volleyball team was playing in the decisive game for the league championship against its arch rival, Singapore International School (SAS). For most sports SAS dominated the league of international schools in Southeast Asia (SEA).
My son, Gary, a High school Junior was on this varsity team. He had not been selected to the squad that would play in this championship game.
The game was being played on ISB’s home court. The stands were packed with hundreds of students and parents.
Gary did not bemoan or criticize his not being selected. He stood tall in character and intention. Spontaneously, Gary standing floor-side, facing the packed bleachers, began to rile the home crowd conducting them to cheer, clap, and stomp urging their team to play ever harder. Gary’s enthusiasm and energy ignited the crowd. He conducted his human orchestra to loudly cheer and celebrate every home team point.
The score see-sawed back and forth. The home crowd cheered louder and louder led by Gary. Finally, ISB won the game and claimed the SEA championship. The crowd erupted in joyous celebration.
Gary was drenched in sweat as he had been as physically active as any player on the court.
My great joy for the win paled in comparison to the pride I felt for Gary’s courage and commitment to support his team in his special way. W Mitchell said it best, “It’s not what happens to you, it’s what you do with what happens that determines your life.” Gary’s courage, resilience, and resolve to ‘make lemonade out of lemons’ continue to serve him well.