Katie is my sister Karen’s 70 lb. Pit Bull. Solid muscle. She is very gentle with me – and I am committed to keep it so.

Nearly every home around Karen’s neighborhood has a dog. Most have “Beware of Dog” signs on their fence.
When I walk Katie on her leash in the neighborhood a cacophony of barking erupts. As we walk by the fenced-in dogs they loudly and aggressively bark and race about – acting like their only wish is to be released to confront Katie. The truth is, if they were released they would run as fast as their legs would allow – in the opposite direction.
Bravery is not baking or blustering.
These dogs act like too many well-intentioned, yet poorly acting persons who loudly and continually proclaim to self and others that they are going to do ‘this or that’. Their proclamations fall empty when declared behind their self-imposed fences of ‘never starting’ – never venturing beyond their comfort zones to attempt to tackle the project of their proclamation. I know because, on occasion, I have been one.
The following shared wisdom is attributed to the Buddha, “There are only two mistakes one can make on the road to truth: not going all the way, and not starting.”

Bravery only starts with Intention. It becomes a claimed and valued Virtue when Action is taken. Now is a good time!