Apr 8, 2017 -
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A Mind on Fire
Poem by Aarish Shah
My mind’s blazing
With all the possibilities,
Feels amazing
Like there’s some kind of unstoppability,
And momentum’s building
Like all the blanks got filled in,
Now I see the picture completed
And see all my demons defeated
Rose to the challenge and completed this feat. It
Seemed like the world was spinning too fast
Like the world was pinning me to some dark past,
But the dark passed
No longer this outcast
I’m planning to outlast
So naysayers get out fast
Taken my soul to the peak
And all these rhymes that I speak
Are birthed from a mind that’s on fire
A mind that aims higher
A mind that won’t tire
Of spitting knowledge and truth
You want to test this? Here’s your proof…