A Collection of Thoughts
The follow wisdom and insights are from David Lyman, the Senior Partner and Chief Values Officer of Tilleke & Gibbins. His law firm is one of oldest, most reputable, and largest in South East Asia. David has been my friend and mentor for more than 30 years. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tilleke_&_Gibbins
A Collection of Thoughts from David Lyman
Lessons I have learned as I ponder my upcoming 84th birthday
Like it or not a transformation, the so-called “New Normal”, is upon us. Don’t ignore what is happening. But do not be afraid. Don’t panic. You can and you will learn to control the impact of transformation. Adapt. Learn not just to live with it, but how to apply and use it for your benefit.

You’ve got a brain, use it! THINK.
Be curious; be aware; be alert. Realize, recognize and register what is happening around you.
Notice nature and what is happening in and to nature. Save it from further tragedy and decay.
Never Assume. Keep an open mind. Get the facts. Be practical. Be sensible. Be safe. Be flexible. THINK.
Believe in yourself. Rely on your experiences, both the good one and the not-so-good ones. Take risks. Don’t’ be afraid to fail. As to tasks – if you think you cannot, then you cannot. But – if you think you can, then you can.
Develop, hone, use and rely on all your 5+ senses.
Perfect you intuition. Sometimes you have to go with your gut feeling (and hope that you made the right decision.) If you make a mistake, learn from it and move on.
If time allows – it’s always better to get a second opinion.
It always helps to be in the right place at the right time with the right resources. If not, then make do.
Sometimes it’s not just what you know but also, who you know.
Back up every day – today there is no privacy, no secrets, no hiding.
Read voraciously – everything about everything. Remember and apply what and where and how and why, and when you can. History has many many lessons to teach us. Learn them and learn from them.
Life is full of should haves…, could haves…, would haves. That’s life, so don’t lament.
“The most important things is life you can’t see – honesty, honor, integrity”. (James Tatum)
“What you need most to learn can’t be taught”.
Know that “The only way to get experience is to get experience – there is no substitute or short cut.” (Dr. Sandy Schwartz)
The next time someone needs you. Just be there. Stay.
Listening is a blessing – the best form of communication.
The 3 most important words in life are “Please” and “Thank You”
Say something wonderful today.
Do something wonderful today for someone.
Should you need reminding, your parents can be among your best friends.
Concept of stewardship – people work with you, not for you.

Focus on job satisfaction, not money.
Be an agent of change.
Respect everyone.
Be passionate as a force for good.
We take our time on earth – spend it well……………
Time is our ultimate luxury – Ask yourself, “How many weekends do I have left?”
Keep your feet warm. They are your thermostats.
Oh – Exercise and eat right, and follow these about listed thoughts for sustained good health.
Ask yourself – What do you want as your legacy?